Here is a list of our favorite links about law and legal links and criminal defense in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We hope this list helps you locate or research an area concerning legal issues in your case. If you have suggestions about other sites to include, send email to
Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Blog Provides legal research and analysis of criminal defense issues useful for anyone going to crminal court in Tulsa, Oklahoma or the surrounding areas: Broken Arrow, Bixby, Glenpool, Owasso, Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Also, ideas on how to successfully defend a dui, dwi, drunk driving case, assault and battery, drug charges, and other.
Oklahoma Criminal Defense Blog
Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorney Blog Provides legal research and analysis of criminal defense issues useful for anyone going to court in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or surrouding courts such as Broken Arrow, Bixby, Glenpool, Owasso, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Coweta, Collinsville, Skiatook, Kiefer, Wagoner, or other muncipal and county courts in Oklahoma.
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